An amount of P300 million is being readied for a preliminary list of 4,000 martial law victims who have filed their claims before the Human Rights Victims’ Claims Board a government spokesman said Tuesday.
Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella said an acknowledgement receipt has been issued by the Department of Budget and Management on the claims board’s request for the release of P300 million from the Bureau of Treasury. The amount is partial payment of monetary reparation for the victims.
A memorandum of agreement has been reached on using the banks’ cash card facility to pay the claimants.
Abella said the claims board sent to the Office of the Executive Secretary a board resolution approving a preliminary list of 4,000 eligible claimants and release of partial monetary reparation.
The list of eligible claimants has been released through Resolution No. 03 2017 of the claims board.
The claims board has set a goal of paying 50 percent of total estimated reparation value due to the first 4,000 eligible claimants. These are made up of 2,661 conclusively presumed victims and 1,339 new applicants. DMS