



Teodoro warns public vs ''trap set by Chinese propaganda''

[ 223 words|2024.4.3|英字 (English) ]

Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro Jr. warned the public against what he called a "trap set by Chinese propaganda" to divert the course of the debate about the West Philippine Sea.

"Let us not fall into the trap set by Chinese propaganda of refocusing the debate on a so-called promise while deflecting attention away from China's government, thereby freeing and allowing them to continue with their illegal activities in our (exclusive economic zone) EEZ," Teodoro said in his open letter on Tuesday.

The defense secretary issued his open letter amid talks about the so-called "gentlemen's agreement" between China with the previous administration.

Teodoro stressed that "while we realize that accountability is important in the issue on whether or not a so-called 'gentleman's agreement' was forged with China regarding the BRP Sierra Madre and Ayungin Shoal, we Filipinos must not lose sight of the fact that the main threat to our rights in the WPS is the Chinese Government’s illegal activities."

In a radio interview, former Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque warned that the Philippines could lose Ayungin Shoal if the Marcos administration will not honor the "gentleman's agreement" during the time of President Rodrigo Duterte with China.

"I predict that if he continues in that direction, we could lose Ayungin Shoal like we lost Scarborough Shoal during former President Noynoy Aquino’s term,” said Roque. Robina Asido/DMS