



IATF coming out with ''game plan'' after April 30 - officia

[ 260 words|2020.4.16|英字 (English) ]

The Inter-Agency Task Force on the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases is preparing a "game plan" on what would take place after the expiration of the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine on April 30, an official said on Wednesday.

IATF Spokesperson and Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said the government is getting more data to determine the rate of infection of coronavirus disease in the country.

"So, our target really is we test more. We identify them (COVID-19 patients) more. We isolate them more. we treat them more - we have more recoveries. That's our new system," he said.

While there could be better capabilities in handling COVID-19 cases, he said the government would determine what could be implemented after the expiration of the ECQ.

But he said social distancing, wearing of mask, proper hygiene, and disinfection would continue.

"So, all of that is slowly, slowly we are coming out with the game plan on what will happen after April 30," Nograles said.

In a virtual press briefing on Tuesday night, Carlito Galvez Jr., chief implementer of the National Policy Against COVID-19 Carlito Galvez Jr. said the government is preparing for the repatriation of up to 100,000 overseas Filipino workers.

He said the 70,000 to 100,000 OFWs to be repatriated would undergo 14-day mandatory quarantine procedure to ensure they are "not imported carriers" of the virus.

Many OFWs have been opting to return home after they lost jobs abroad due to COVID-19, which has infected over two million people and killed over 126,000 others as of April 15 based on worldometer. Celerina Monte/DMS