The suspect in the September 23 incident at the open parking of NAIA Terminal 3 was arrested in the evening of September 28 following an intelligence and surveillance operation conducted by the Terminal 3 MIAA Terminal Police Section (MIAA T3-TPS).
A reported Molotov cocktail device went-off in the morning of September 23 causing damage to three vehicles parked near the spot where the alleged bomb exploded.
A concerned informant came forward to the MIAA-TPS providing crucial information about the incident and identifying a certain Renieldo Dela Pena Perez, also known as “Bolayog,” as the perpetrator.
The intelligence and surveillance operation ordered by T3-TPS chief APCapt. Froilan Sanchez led to the sighting and subsequent identification of Perez near the exit of the Terminal 3 open parking area.
Perez was invited to the T3-TPS office to shed light on what happened. During questioning, he admitted that he was the one who threw the Molotov cocktail device that he personally assembled using an energy drink bottle containing gasoline then dipped a cloth inside, ignited it and quickly threw it towards the direction of the parking lot.
Perez was turned over to the MIAA Police Intelligence and Investigation Division (PIID) for further processing and additional questioning before handing him over to the PCol Arnel Apud, chief, Philippine National Police- Aviation Security Unit, NCR (PNP-Avseu NCR) for their disposition.
Perez was then turned over to the Pasay City Police for filing of formal charges for attempted arson and alarm and scandal. He was subjected to inquest proceedings last October 6 by Assistant Chief Prosecutor Clarence Espanol and is detained at the Pasay City jail. MIAA