President Rodrigo Duterte congratulated Presidential Security Group troopers who recently passed the bar examination on April 12. They were invited for a photo opportunity at Malago Clubhouse, Malacaňang Park.
Duterte recommended for them to read more books on trial techniques and encouraged the new lawyers to engage in practice whether in the AFP or in private.
The gesture was received by the new board passers led by Capt. Joan Don Napay who is assigned at PSG Station Hospital; Navy Lt. April Bayabao from the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics, G4 and Staff Sergant Byron Angelo Bacud of the Philippine National Police (PNP) from the Presidential Police Security Force Unit (PPSFU).
They were presented to the President by PSG Commander Brig. Gen. Randolph Cabangbang.
According to Napay, Duterte shared to them his personal experiences as a lawyer and as prosecutor when he was still in practice. DMS