The Philippine National Police (PNP) has recorded more than 9,000 violators on Friday, the first day of the implementation of Alert Level 2 in Metro Manila."
Like what we expect, many people really went out because more establishments have opened with higher capacity. So based on our enforcement of health protocols, yesterday, for the whole day we have recorded 9,451 violators," PNP chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar said in a virtual ''Laging Handa'' public briefing on Saturday.
The PNP said 8,458 or 89.49 percent were caught for not observing minimum public health standard. Among these violations are not wearing face masks and physical gathering.
The 993 were minors who violated curfew ordinances.
Eleazar noted that the recorded number of violators on November 5, is slightly lesser than the average recorded during the implementation of Alert Level 3.
"If we are going to compare this in the 20 days when Metro Manila was under the Alert Level 3 from October 16 to November 4, the daily average is 9,746. So we can say it was slightly lessened," he said.
Eleazar also noted the significant decrease in the number of curfew violators recorded on the first day of Alert Level 2.
"I would also like to report that yesterday only 10 percent of the violations are related to the implementation of curfew compared to the 24 percent curfew violation average recorded under the Alert Level 3," he said.
"This is because basically our curfew in general was already removed. The only curfew that is left is for the minors in the LGUs with existing ordinance," he explained.
Despite easing of restrictions under Alert Level 2, Eleazar noted that the Philippine National Police assures stricter implementation of health protocols for people leaving their homes. Robina Asido/DMS