Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar on Wednesday told authorized persons outside of residence (APORs) that they cannot be fetched or serviced by non-APORs.
“Based on the guidelines of the National Task Force, non-APORs cannot fetch or pick up workforce APORs or even consumer APORs because it will be hard for us to determine if the driver of a private vehicle will really pick up an APOR or if they came from bringing APOR to their destination,” Eleazar said.
Eleazar said only essential worker APORs and consumer APORs are allowed to go out.
Those who will be conducting humanitarian and emergency travel and those who will be vaccinated are also allowed subject to local government units’ approval.
He also said APORs need not to worry as public transportation is still available at 50 percent capacity.
“This is only for two weeks. That's why we are asking for everyone’s cooperation as it is hard that this situation will be abused,” Eleazar said. Ella Dionisio/DMS