President Rodrigo Duterte's net satisfaction rating fell to "a new personal low" on Tuesday two years after he was elected, pollster Social Weather Stations (SWS) said in its second quarter survey.
The survey, done from June 27-30, 2018, found 65 percent of adult Filipinos satisfied, 15 percent undecided, and 20 percent dissatisfied with the performance of Rodrigo Duterte as president.
"This brings the President’s net satisfaction rating to a new personal low of +45 (percent satisfied minus percent dissatisfied), classified by SWS as good," the pollster said in a statement.
"This 11-point decline is down by one grade from the very good +56 (70 percent satisfied, 14 percent dissatisfied) in March 2018. It surpassed the previous personal low of good +48 in September 2017," SWS added.
Asked what he thought about the SWS survey after speaking in Pampanga, Duterte told reporters:" I do not care. Make it to 15. It does not interest me at all."
"I am just coasting... And with a new suggestion, since I am not popular anymore, Congress might decide to get a popular one," added Duterte.
The 11-point decline in Duterte's net satisfaction rating from March 2018 to June 2018 was due to declines of 20 points in Metro Manila, 18 points in the Visayas, 6 points in Balance Luzon, and 6 points in Mindanao.
Urban net satisfaction with Duterte fell by one grade from very good to good, at +38 in June, down by 18 points from +56 in March .
Duterte's net satisfaction rating fell by one grade from very good to good in class D, at +43 in June, down by 14 points from +57.
It rose by one grade from good to very good in class E, at +52 , up by 4 points from +48 in March. DMS