Consumers’ optimism improved for the second quarter as the central bank said Friday overall confidence index climbed to a double-digit record high of 13.1 percent.
This is the fourth consecutive quarter that consumer confidence a positive reading, the central bank said in a statement.
“The number of households with optimistic views increased and continued to be greater than those with pessimistic views,” said the central bank.
Respondents said the reasons for optimism were improvements in the peace and order situation, additional family income due to a higher salary and stronger business activity, availability of more jobs and increase in the number of employed family members and effective government policies.
For the third quarter, consumer sentiment turned less optimistic as the confidence index declined to 13.6 percent but improved in the year ahead to 34.3 percent from 31.7 percent.
The less favorable outlook stemmed from increase in prices of goods, expectation of higher expenses for children’s education and lower income or no increase in income, the central bank said. DMS