Government media will be given editorial independence as President Rodrigo Duterte wants to transform its image,
“We will let you go. Act just like a private (organization,” said Duterte during the inauguration of People’s Television Network’s Cordillera hub in Baguio City..”I am ready to grant all government communication facilities a degree of freedom… your template is really the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) ”
He said as tax money is funding government media,”people wants to see what’s happening in this planet.”
“Our government facilities must be a player in this crucial battle for truth,” said Duterte.
Duterte vowed not to use government television for his personal use.
“What I can assure you during my time is this, there will never be time that I will use PTV4 or its allied (outfits) for my personal ( use). I don’t need it, but just tell the people about the truth,” he added.
Duterte emphasized the network should have fair reporting.
“It’s your chance, the right to be heard remember that. So when you begin to crucify somebody, whether in government or other areas of civilization, be sure to give the other guy the right to be heard period that’s all and everybody are allowed to use it,” he said.
The people should benefit because this is their money so to the people in the government it should not (grow) into a belief that we have an armory, there’s a cannon which you can use to lambast… whatever, political enemies or a propaganda to buy the truth or to cover something that is the least of what is expected on this,” he added.
He also encourage the Communists as well as other rebel groups to use the network to air their grievances instead of conducting protests in the streets that would cause public inconvenience.
“The NPAs, give them a space. Our Cordillera guys you can come down no need really to fight,” he said.
“The rule here is the chance to be heard, so I will urge all my people there is no need for you to demonstrate, …I urge you to come here, explain to the management and if valid grievance…I would tell you,” he added.
“The MN(LF) Nur (Misuari) can, he has (grievance) to the government and the republic I understand that you can use this to explain to the people so you have balanced reporting and a fair share on what is going on in the other front,” Duterte said. Robina Asido/DMS