Eighty-six percent of households do not have a deposit account which means the remaining 14 percent save their money in banks, a central bank survey said Friday.
In its 2014 consumer finance survey, it said the “foremost reason cited by households for not having deposit accounts was not having enough money.” The survey, the second of its kind after the 2009 poll, had 18,000 respondents. It is done every four years.
To obtain loans, borrowers often use their automated teller machine (ATM) cards as collateral. This was availed of by 39.9 percent of respondents, followed by using land (22.5 percent), appliances (11.7 percent), vehicles (7.7 percent) and harvests ( six percent), the central bank survey said.
More than half, or 50.5 percent, of respondents’ household income come from wages and salaries. Income from self-employment were reported by 18.1 percent
Food and beverages consumed at home is 42.7 percent of annual household spending followed by rent ( 12.2 percent), regular transportation (9 percent), education ( 6.5 percent). Food and beverages consumed outside home account for 6.4 percent of expenses. DMS