On Tuesday, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission of Embassy of Japan in the Philippines Matsuda Kenichi, and Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo signed the Exchange of Notes for the Dalton Pass East Alignment Road Project (I) and the Metro Manila Subway Project (Phase I) (III).
Each project amounting to 100 billion yen, and 150 billion yen respectively. This signing marks the way forward for the said major infrastructure projects.
The Dalton Pass East Alignment Road Project (I) provides ODA loans to the Philippine Government for the construction of a bypass road for the Dalton Pass, a major arterial road linking Metro Manila and north-central Luzon.
The construction of a disaster-resistant and highly motorable alternative road is expected to improve access and connectivity between north-central Luzon and Metro Manila, contributing to economic revitalization.
Meanwhile, the Metro Manila Metro Project (Phase 1) (III) is financing for the construction of the first metro in the Philippines, following the first tranche (signed on November 13, 2017, 104,530 million yen) and the second tranche (signed on July 27, 2021, 253,307 million yen).
This subway project is expected to contribute to sustainable economic growth through investment promotion in the Philippines, by meeting increasing traffic demand, reducing severe traffic congestion, and mitigating air pollution and climate change. Japan Information and Culture Center