Marine explorers found the wreckage of a US destroyer escort at a depth of 6, 895 meters (22, 621 feet) at Samar Island on Friday, which could make it the deepest shipwreck found.
In his Twitter account, Victor Vescovo said ''with sonar specialist Jeremie Morizet, I piloted the submersible Limiting Factor to the wreck of the Samuel B. Roberts (DE 413). Resting at 6,895 meters, it is now the deepest shipwreck ever located and surveyed. It was indeed the 'destroyer escort that fought like a battleship.'
USS Samuel B. Roberts fought Japanese ships in the 1944 Battle of Samar before it was sunk. ''This small ship took on the finest of the Japanese Navy, fighting them to the end,'' said Vescovo.
In pictures posted by Vescovo in his Twitter account, he said : It appears her bow hit the seafloor with some force, causing some buckling. Her stern also separated about 5 meters on impact, but the whole wreck was together.''
In his latest picture on Twitter early Sunday afternoon, Vescovo said:'' This one is from the starboard side near the bridge and forward gun mounts. We kept our distance because we spotted potentially live shells in the 40mm gun, and later towards the stern, depth charges still in their racks.'' DMS