The national Social Weather Survey of December 12-16, 2021, found 40 percent of adult Filipinos saying their quality of life was worse than twelve months before, 24 percent saying it got better, and 36 percent saying it was the same, compared to a year ago.
The Fourth Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey was conducted from December 12-16, 2021, using face-to-face interviews of 1,440 adults (18 years old and above) nationwide: 360 each in Balance Luzon, Metro Manila, the Visayas, and Mindanao.
The resulting net gainers score is -16 classified by SWS as mediocre (-19 to -10).
The December 2021 net gainer score is 28 points up from the extremely low -44 in September 2021, but still 34 points below the pre-pandemic level of the very high +18 in December 2019.
The survey question on the respondents’ assessment of their change in quality of life in the past 12 months has been fielded 143 times since April 1983.
The 28-point rise in the national net gainer score between September 2021 and December 2021 was due to improvements in all areas, especially in Metro Manila and Mindanao.
Compared to September 2021, net gainers eased from catastrophic to mediocre in Metro Manila, up by 40 points from -51 to -11.
It eased from extremely low to mediocre in Mindanao, up by 32 points from -47 to -15.
It also eased from extremely low to mediocre in Balance Luzon, up by 30 points from -41 to -11.
It eased from extremely low to very low in the Visayas, up by 15 points from -46 to -31.
Compared to September 2021, net gainers eased from extremely low to mediocre among non-elementary graduates, up by 27 points from -46 to -19.
It eased from catastrophic to mediocre among elementary graduates, up by 33 points from -50 to -17.
It eased from extremely low to mediocre among junior high school graduates, up by 29 points from -46 to -17.
It eased from low to fair among college graduates, up by 19 points from -26 to -7. SWS