The police officer who shot a mother and her son in Paniqui, Tarlac which became viral on social media was charged with two counts of murder before the Regional Trial Court Branch 67 Monday afternoon.
According to a police report, the resolution was filed by the Tarlac Provincial Prosecutors Office accusing Police Senior Master Sergeant Jonel Nuezca for two counts of murder with no bail recommended following inquest.
The case was filed at the RTC Branch 67 docketed under Criminal Case numbers 313-20 and 314-20, the report said.
On Sunday affternoon, Nuezca shot Sonya Rufino Gregorio, 52, and her son, Frank Anthony, in Barangay Cabayaoasan in Paniqui in a heated argument.
The incident was captured on video and posted on social media.
After killing the victims, Nuezca escaped but later surrendered to a police station in Pangasinan. Ella Dionisio/DMS