
04 日 マニラ


04 日 マニラ


English Articles

2010/2/22 英字

Japan, three countries concerned about RP civil aviation system

MANILA -- Japan, along with other countries as Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore have raised concerns on opening their cities to Philippine aircraft and carriers as a result of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) issuance of a メsignificant safety concernモ (SSC) rating on the Philippinesユ civil aviation systems and the countryユs downgrade from a Category I to a Category II rating with the United States Federal Aviation Authority (FAA).

It was learned that South Korea has rejected a new flight route between Cebu and Incheon by the countryユs leading carrier Philippines Airlines (PAL) as a result of the aviation safety ratings.

The recent categorizations was reportedly blamed for difficulties in PAL securing clearance from the Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation (SGACA) to resume Manila-Riyadh flights starting this coming March 28.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has asked the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) to give updates on its efforts to have the country removed from ICAOユs list of countries which has an SSC and regain Category I status with the US.

In a メvery urgentモ letter to CAAP director general Ruben Ciron dated Feb. 8, DFA Undersecretary Franklin Ebdalin said the countryユs inclusion in the SSC and the US FAA Category II rating is メcausing apprehensions in the air services business of various countriesモ. DMS


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Bus carousel operations to continue during Edsa rehab

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Regulatory body for socmed timely, necessary ? PCO

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Heat index jumps, classes suspended in some Metro Manila areas

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Fire destroys 50 homes in Alabang

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