



Philippine Navy to change manner of future rotation and resupply missions to ship in Ayungin

[ 414 words|2024.6.21|英字 (English) ]

The Philippine Navy said there will be changes on how the military will implement future rotation and resupply mission to a grounded warship in Ayungin Shoal.

"We could not ensure that (China's actions) this will not be repeated because it's up to them, their actions, they dictate their actions. What we could do is to prepare our men, equip them appropriately," Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad, Philippine Navy spokesman for West Philippine Sea said on Thursday.

"Back to the drawing board, we will do more planning and there will be changes. You will see changes. I would say there will be appropriate changes," he added.

A member of the Naval Special Operations Group was injured as the Chinese Coast Guard boarded a vessel, confiscated arms and equipment Monday. The Navy soldier lost one of his thumbs in the incident.

Trinidad admitted that following the RoRe mission last June 17, the AFP has identified gaps that need to be addressed.

"Everytime we have an activity, we conduct after activity review. We have a back brief where we look at what we could improve, so we do this in all of our activities and then that will factor in select activities," he said.

"We cannot say that something went wrong but there were gaps that we identified that we have to address," he added.

Trinidad added that the Philippine Navy is considering the inclusion of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in the future RoRe mission as he confirmed the use of missile boats by China during last Monday's incident.

"That's (inclusion of PCG in the RoRe mission) part of the inputs for the planning consideration," he said.

"Hubei class is a fast attack missile boat. The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) frigate is also missile equipped so regardless if they were big or small, these are all missile boats," he added.

However, Trinidad noted that China Coast Guard used their missile boats to push the Philippines to fire the first shot.

"They did not use it (missile boats) against our troops because this should never get into a shooting war but they would like to push us to fire the first shot. You should understand Chinese thought we will stoop down in their wrong way," he said.

"Our actions will always be guided by the rules of engagement, it will always be within the bounds of international law, we are here to assert our sovereignty, we are here to ensure our sovereign rights are protected," he added. Robina Asido/DMS