



Philippine ships ''illegally entered'' waters off Ayungin Shoal: China

[ 430 words|2024.6.18|英字 (English) ]

A Philippine supply ship and two speedboats ''illegally entered'' the waters off Ren'ai Jiao (Ayungin Shoal) in Nansha Qundao (Spratly Islands) on Monday, trying to ''deliver construction materials and other supplies to a warship illegally grounded there, China's foreign ministry spokesperson said Monday.

''The Chinese Coast Guard took necessary measures in accordance with the law, conducting professional on-site operations that were completely legitimate,'' the spokesperson said,

Earlier, China state media in its X account quoted the Chinese Coast Guard as saying the incident occurred at 5:59 am, when the Philippine supply ship allegedly "ignored multiple stern warnings from the Chinese side, violated the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, dangerously and in an unprofessional manner approached Chinese vessels navigating normally."

''The China Coast Guard warned, blocked, boarded, searched and forcefully expelled Philippine vessels that illegally trespassed into waters near China's Ren'ai Jiao in an attempt to send materials to its illegally grounded warship on Monday,'' reported Global Times, China's national English language newspaper.

The National Task For the West Philippine Sea said in a statement late Monday the military conducted a ''routine rotation and resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.''

''However, the mission was disrupted by the illegal and aggressive actions of Chinese maritime forces,'' the task force said.

''Their actions put at risk the lives of our personnel and damaged our boats, in blatant violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 2016 Arbitral Award,'' the task force said.

Retired US Air Force Col. Ray Powell of the Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation Project Myoushou, said noted that "control measures" of Chinese vessels usually indicate the use of water cannons.

Powell said "at least three China Coast Guard ships were monitored in the vicinity waters of Second Thomas Shoal on Monday morning.

"All are running 'dark' (or) not broadcasting detectable AIS transponder signals," he said.

"In addition, Philippines Coast Guard patrol ship BRP Bacagay was intercepted at 08:00 by China maritime militia ship Qiong Sansha Yu 00103, approx 20 nautical miles southeast of 2nd Thomas Shoal. Both vessels now headed southwest at 5 knots," he added.

Last Friday, AFP chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said there was a recent successful resupply mission for the troops at the BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal through an airdrop operation.

It was the second such operation to resupply the troops in BRP Sierra Madre after the May 19, 2024 incident where one of the sorties of supplies was intercepted by the Chinese. Robina Asido/DMS