



Marcos says true spirit of freedom is in every Filipino

[ 422 words|2024.6.13|英字 (English) ]

As the nation commemorates the 126th anniversary of the Philippine independence on Wednesday, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said the true spirit of freedom which remains in every Filipino despite daily struggles in their lives.

In his Independence Day message, Marcos recognized the resiliency of Filipinos who continue to fight and survive the continued challenges in their daily lives.

"A century and a quarter have passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation yet the fervor of nationalism persistently burns brightly in each of us today. We stand united as ever, upholding with pride the hard-earned liberty bequeathed to us by our forebears. While the times may be different our struggles remain the same. Still we continue to witness the true spirit of freedom in every Filipino who fights fairly in their day-to-day lives," he said.

"We see it in the resilience of our farmers and fisherfolks as they provide us sustenance. We see it in the dedication of our teachers as they nurture the minds of the future generation. We see it in the tenacity of our soldiers as they protect every inch of our territory, adamant as they are in the certainty that Filipinos do not, and shall never, succumb to oppression," he added.

As part of the celebration of the Independence Day, Marcos led the wreath laying and flag raising ceremonies at the monument of national hero Jose Rizal in Luneta Park on Wednesday morning. The president attended the event with his wife Liza and sons Ilocos Norte Congressman Sandro and William Vincent.

Aside from military officials led by Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr., the ceremony was also attended by government officials including Foreign Affairs Sec. Enrique Manalo, Science and Technology Sec. Renato Solidum Jr., Environment Secretary Antonia Loyzaga, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chair. Romando Artes, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista, Manila Mayor Maria Sheilah Lacuna and others.

After the ceremony, Marcos hosted the Vin d’honneur, a traditional reception for the diplomatic community held in Malacanang.

“On many occasions, great trials have all the more strengthened our resolve and unified our people because as I have said, ‘Filipinos do not yield’,” Marcos said in his toast remarks for the Vin d’honneur in Malacanang.

The President also delved into the Philippines’ adherence to an independent foreign policy seeking to strengthen existing alliances and build new partnerships with like-minded states.

“Our foreign policy is grounded on the continuing promotion and work for peace, and the continuing promotion and work for our national interest,” Marcos said. Robina Asido/DMS