



Marcos ''still not satisfied'' on alleged middleman's death inside Bilibid due to natural causes

[ 290 words|2022.10.27|英字 (English) ]

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he is '' still not satisfied'' that the death of the alleged middleman in the killing of broadcaster Percy Lapid inside New Bilibid Prisons (NBP) last week was due to natural causes.

"The toxicology report came back and it looks like there was no poison or drug trace from the body (of Crisanto Villamor)," he said during an interview with reporters following the National Information and Communications Technology Summit 2022 at the Manila Hotel on Wednesday morning.

Villamor reportedly called up the gunman, Joel Estorial, to shoot Lapid. Estorial revealed this in a press conference on October 18.

However, the body of Villamor was found at the New Bilibid Prisons a few hours after the press conference.

"We’re still not satisfied that it was natural causes. Like I said, look at it carefully because there are ways to kill a person that do not show up in the medico-legal ( report)," he added.

Villamor's body underwent another autopsy on Wednesday and the Department of Justice will announce the findings on Friday.

Marcos said he is monitoring the development in the case through the secretaries of interior and local government and justice.

"I have been monitoring. I talked to DOJ (secretary) Remulla and DILG (secretary) Abalos, three, four, five times a day, and each time we talk about this. We do not have any particular directives. The police know what to do. I'll just get in the way," he said.

"Let's identify the person behind this. Until now we are not yet sure. So we’re investigating. The investigation will continue. But more importantly, is to really trace where it comes from? Who gave the order?.... That is what we are working on now," he added. Robina Asido/DMS