Vice President Leni Robredo said the accusation against her camp for allegedly paying people to join her campaign rally is ''an insult'' to the people of Cavite.
"First of all it is not true. Secondly, the statement is very irresponsible because there is no basis and third it is an insult. I know it is a statement of a politician from Cavite. It is an insult to his province mates," Robredo said in a television interview on Friday.
"I was there, I saw the people, the energy level of the crowd from start to finish, if they were just paid they should not be like that, I did not see any truck or buses that bring in people" she said.
"We do not have money to pay them, and we will not do that because it means we are just fooling ourselves," she added.
Robredo also denied her alleged involvement with the communist group. saying that it is just a baseless accusation.
"What is the basis? I do not see any indication to accuse us for allegedly conspiring with the communist," she said. Robina Asido/DMS