The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday launched its ‘Enhanced Anti-Cybercrime Campaign, Education, Safety and Security’ or E-ACCESS website that will help the public from falling victim to cybercrimes, such as online scams.
In a ceremony at Camp Crame, PNP chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar said the E-ACCESS provides netizens with a secured platform to verify an online account, such as a registered mobile number, email, website or a social media account, which may have been subject of a verified complaint or has a pending criminal case for cybercrime operations based on real-time records from the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG).
"We are launching two initiative projects which are Cyberweb and Cybecrime Watch. When we started the ACG some 8 years ago, we saw this problem and cybercrimes consistently increases," he said.
Based on ACG data, a total of 6, 110 cybercrime cases were recorded in 2020.
"We are telling you that we cannot solve all of these problems but what we can assure you that we will try to improve this one and through these two project initiatives," Eleazar said.
He said the Cyberweb will be the real time collection and analysis of cybercrime data nationwide.
"We are improving the real time collection of data pertaining to cybercrime and also are investigation... This will serve as our database on the online accounts that already has record or already committed cybercrimes," Eleazar said.
The E-ACCESS website also contains anti-cybercrime prevention and awareness contents to help equip netizens on how to spot a scammer and how to safeguard their information online. Ella Dionisio/DMS