



Gapay orders military not to hold Christmas parties

[ 149 words|2020.10.22|英字 (English) ]

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief General Gilbert Gapay ordered all military units not to hold Christmas parties this year.

Major General Edgard Arevalo, AFP spokesman, said in a directive issued to all unit commanders and chiefs of offices throughout the Philippines, Gapay said the amount that would have been spent for Yuletide revelries will be merged with funds to address COVID-19 requirements of their personnel.

“Defer Christmas parties and similar celebrations as an austerity measure and as a gesture of sensitivity to our countrymen," Gapay said.

"Fellow Filipinos here and abroad have been suffering. And this is the least we can do to commiserate with the people we have sworn to secure and serve especially in this time of crisis," he added.

Arevalo said"this ban on all Christmas festivities also conforms with the health protocols that proscribes mass gatherings which the AFP strictly enforces and observes." Robina Asido/DMS