Pasay City police on Friday arrested two persons for doing the traditional Holy Week penance despite the enhanced community quarantine.
According to Pasay City police acting chief, Colonel Ericson Dilag, the two were among 11 individuals they apprehended for violating the quarantine law.
Dilag said the two walked while whipping their backs, which is done during Good Friday.
Personnel from Arnaiz Police Community Precinct caught the two self-flagellating in the streets and invited them to go to the police station.
The two penitents were documented and transported to Villamor Airbase Elementary School with other violators to watch a COVID-19 film showing before they will be allowed to go home.
Last Tuesday, National Capital Region chief Police Major General Debold Sinas reminded the public that mass gatherings, such as processions and holding masses which are usually held to commemorate Holy Week are not allowed during this Lenten season due to the COVID-10 threat.
Sinas said he issued a directive with his personnel and coordinated with the members of the Catholic Church that’s why he encouraged the public to reflect and pray at home. Ella Dionisio/DMS